Where can replacement parts for my equipment be purchased?
Certain Murray parts can now be ordered online through the Repair Parts & Maintenance Products section of the Briggs & Stratton website. At this time, orders can only be accepted from the contiguous 48 states.
To determine the Murray part number(s) you need:
Obtain your Murray model number located on your equipment's label.
Enter your Murray model number into the Murray Literature Search. Using your parts list, identify what part(s) you need. Please Note: If you require additional assistance finding literature for your product, please visit our Murray Literature FAQ.
Visit our Repair Parts & Maintenance Products section and type in your Murray part number(s) (adding MA at the end) and proceed through the online shopping process.
If the part number in your Murray Illustrated Parts List is not found by our system, the letters "MA" may need to be added to the end of the Murray part number in order for it to be recognized by the system. For example, Murray part number 7601092 would be entered as 7601092MA.
If you find that after adding MA to the end of the part number, the part supersedes to the incorrect description, or if not found at all, try the following:
Remove any spaces or dashes in the part number (still add MA)
Add the number zero in front of the part number (still add MA)
Remove the letters MT from in front of part number (still add MA)
Remove the letter E from the end of the part number (still add MA)
If after following these steps the part is still not found, it may not be available for purchase through the Briggs & Stratton Website. However, you still have the option of ordering your parts through Parts Nationwide or locally through a Murray Service Dealer.
For assistance in determining your part number, please consult a local service dealer, call our Answer Center at (800) 528-5087, or send us an e-mail through our Contact Us page
Please read and abide by any applicable Safety Information contained in your product Operator's Manual. The material provided above is not intended to replace work performed by a Murray Authorized Dealer. Terms of Use apply to all of the information presented on this website. Always be sure to completely read and understand your product Operator's Manual.